Please give J.C. a call anytime at (720) 624-9011.                     Haga clic aquí para Español

Technical Expertise:  J.C. began his career in photography and videography taking photographs and videos of cattle for his family's purebred Angus business.    Numerous courses in photography and videography were taken at local community colleges.  This education combined with the valued experiences in the livestock industry along with other types of photography and videography work has moved J.C. to the professional level he is at today.

EXPERIENCE:  J.C. has fed, fitted and shown National and State-Fair winners.  He grew up knowing the challenges of a working purebred cattle operation and implemented a remarkable and successful video marketing program in his family's cattle business.  He knows what it is like when a production sale is the biggest payday of the year.  For all of these reasons, every photograph and video he takes is important to him because he knows how important every photograph and video is to you.


Integrity -- Professionalism -- Commitment:  It is the goal of this company when the signature of "J.C. O'Neill Photography" is printed on a photograph, there is absolute confidence in the integrity of that Photograph.  Photography and video-editing software are used to enhance a photograph or video and not to change the true phenotype of an animal.  J.C. continually updates and uses the latest best-of-class equipment and technology in order to bring the finest results to his valued clients.